How to Authenticate Users?

How to Authenticate Users?

Identifying and Verifying Genuine Alumni Daily Leads to High Alumni Engagement Over Time

To Authenticate User Requests, Login With the Admin ID Which Has any Right under 'User Management'. Now Go to "Admin Dashboard", here you'll see 'Pending Members Verification Request' button on the right side of your screen.

Now Follow the path written below to approve or reject user requests:
  1. Click on 'Take Action' button
  2. A list of all verification requests will be displayed
  3. Identify and Click on 'Accept' if the person is genuine
  4. Click on 'Reject' if the person is unknown
Note: If you cannot open "Take Action" button, you don't have user management right. Please ask Super admin of the institute to grant you this right.

Please mail at if you need any assistance.

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