How to Download All Users Database?

How to Download All Users Database?

Downloading Database will Give Admin an Excel Containing All the Data of All Registered Users on the Alumni Portal
In order to Download All Users Data, login to the alumni portal with the admin id that has the right to download database. Now go to 'Admin Dashboard', here you'll see 'User' button on the left side of your screen. Click it and then Select 'Download Database' button.

Upon clicking the button follow the path listed below:
  1. Click on 'Go to Directory'
  2. Find and Click 'Download Results' Button on the Top Right Corner
  3. Enter Your Password
  4. Find the .csv file in your download folder
Using this Right, The Admin Will be able to get all details, including contact details of all registered users (including alumni, student, faculty, admins). Hence, it is recommended that this right is kept only with the super admin or with a minimum number people

Please mail at if you need any assistance.

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