How to use Import Data Feature?

How to use Import Data Feature?

We are glad to announce the launching of our most requested feature - Uploading User database from Admin Dashboard.

With this platform admin can directly upload the user data into the platform without any hassle.
To upload the user data, kindly follow the steps below.
1. Login to the alumni platform and go to admin dashboard.
2. Click on manage users in left side
3. Click on Add User and then Import Member data. Follow the steps below to upload.
1. Click on Upload File and select the data file. The file should be in CSV Format. If you have an excel file, you can convert it into csv easily by following these steps.

2. All the headers in file will be automatically matched with portal fields if their name matches. You will see green ticks whenever headers match. Kindly check with each header if it's correct. If some header does not match automatically, you can manually select a field from portal fields dropdown for matching.

3. If your file has fields which needs to be matched against specific values (eg - degree/departments). Click on match degree in the list.
Match the Degree & Department in the popup correctly. Please check for small spelling mistakes and match the degree.

- If there are any new degrees, the you can also create a new degree.
Click Confirm

4. If for some fields, you doesn't want to import a particular field like 'Sub Institute'. Click on 'Don't Import Column'

- For the track, keep checking unmatched fields. It showcases number of fields left to match.

5. After matching all fields, click on 'Confirm'

6. Once the auto-matching is completed, Platform will ask you for " What do you want to do with the profile data in the file"
 a) If the profiles are new, click on 'Create new profiles'. 
b) If the profiles already exist on the platform and want it to be updated, click on 'Update existing profiles'
c) If the profiles are a mix of both i.e. some profiles are new and some profiles need to be updated, click on 'Do Both'
- If you also want to upload rows which does not have email, check on "add users with empty email IDs"

- Choose the role you want to select
1) Alumni
2) Student
3) Faculty

7. Check the "Preview Data"

8. Click on both the boxes after verifying the terms and conditions mentioned. 

9. After that click on 'Start Import' and importing will start.

10. Importing will be done in background. Meanwhile, you can do other work on the platform. You will get a notification on successful import.
11. On clicking successful upload notification, you will see the screen below with import summary. Click on the dropdown to get the error sheet and the uploaded datasheet. 

12. You can check the errors, clear it and upload the file again.

For any queries, doubts or suggestions do not hesitate to contact us on

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