Several Categories in Campus Feeds

Several Categories in Campus Feeds

Campus Feeds is an important feature to enhance the networking in the Platform. Hereby, University Platforms can try various categories to enhance the momentum in the Platform.

Various Categories in Campus Feeds:

1. Alumni Stories
- Alumni can put their stories from all the plethora of their experience, ranging the topics

2. Institute Updates
- Official Updates regarding the University can be showcased here.

3. Obituary
- Reporting recent death of Alumni along with information

4. Official Documents and Reports
- University can put official documents and reports of Alumni Committee, it's organization policies.

5. Alumni Updates
- Alumni or Admin can put recent updates of the Alumni

6. Latest in our University
- University Student Coordinators can put all the latest buzz across the clubs, sports and tech.

7. Program Updates
- Updates and Development of field and department of the University

8. Faculty Updates
- University can put Faculty updates and their achievements

9. Student Updates
- Updates about the Student and their accomplishment.

11. Ranking & Recognition
- Updating about the recent ranking or recognition affiliated to the university

12. Sports Stories
- Stories revolving around the memories of Sports Fest or a Memorable Matches of the Alumni and Students

13. College Trips , Experiences and Visit
- Stories about memorable College Trips and Visits

14. Convocation Memories
- Alumni Stories of Convocation Memories

15. Business-Ethics Experiences
- Sharing about the experience of Business-Ethics that can be helpful for everyone

16. Your Startup Story
- Stories about your Startups, inventions and problem solving

17. Alumni Achievers - Alumni in News - Appointment in the Leadership Role
- Updating about the Alumni who have achieved, or have been in news, or his appointment in the Leadership Role

18. Alumni Blogs
- Writers of the Alumni Community can write blogs from the plethora of topics

19. Social Projects Stories
- Alumni working on social cause and creating an impact over the society stories

20. Your Favorite College Club/Groups Stories
- College Memories about the favorite clubs 

21. Innovation Cell
- Updating about the recent achievements of Innovation Cell in University

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