Why did my email go to junk / spam box ?

Why did my email go to junk / spam box ?

Generally, there are a large no. of factors which determines, that whether your email should go to junk box or not. But majorly you can divide these factors into 3 categories. 

1) Mail-Server (IP) Reputation (from which mails are being sent), 
If server reputation from which mail is sent, goes down, then each of the sent email will go to the spam box. At AlmaShines, we use highly reputed AWS services, through which millions of emails are sent and read each day. Reputation of hundreds of servers are being managed and controlled with strict policies. As soon as an IP is flagged for low reputation, it is immediately removed from used IPs and a new reputed IP is put into place. 
 Our Email Statistics at a glance
NOTE:  Above stats are based on 3.2 million emails sent through AlmaShines Platform in 2018

2) Email Content
Every mail that we send, is processed through spam filter of receiving mail clients (Eg. gmail, yahoo, outlook). Each mail client's spam filter is different. Now these spam filters closely processes the subject & body of the mail and flags the email as SPAM if it founds some patterns which are heavily used by spammers.
To know more about this and how to avoid such issues, please follow the following links:

3) User's Personal Preferences and History
Popular mail clients like gmail,yahoo,outlook etc. track user's actions very heavily. They use this data and the user's personal settings to determine whether the email should land in spam or not. Priority of this setting is higher than the last two categories. You may do following things to override your past usage patterns and settings.
  • Mark the email landed in junk box as "not spam". While this is not a permanent solution and you may still receive next email in spam. But after you mark 2-3 of it's emails as "not spam", most email clients like gmail will set this as new personal preference automatically and all future emails will land up in inbox.

  • Permanent solution is to add the sender's email in your contact list. Gmail provides "Add to Contact" option after you hover on the sender's email address.

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