Alumni Meet Activities Ideas

Alumni Meet Activities Ideas

Alumni Meet Plan

Proposed Activities:

 1) A Formal Invite Only Session: One of the biggest challenges that lies with the Alumni Meets is lack of participation of senior alumni. Conducting an exclusive session with only selected alumni of senior batches can help in growing the participation of their respective batches.

It must be an invite only meet, where eminent alumni shall be invited to discuss the vision and requirements of the institute

2) Photo Booth: Putting a Photo booth in any event adds a lot of excitement and grows the visibility of the event on social media as well. All we need to do is put a few funky stuff on a corner at the venue, using which the attending alumni can have fun with and get their photographs clicked

3) Alumni Awards: Alumni Meets are the biggest gathering of alumni at their institute and no evening can be more appropriate for recognizing and celebrating the achievers of the institute. Possible categories for alumni awards that can be recognized:

i) Entrepreneur of the Year

ii) Corporate Leader of the Year

iii) Academician of the Year

iv) Woman of the Year

v) Young Achiever ( Within last 5 years of Graduates)

vi) Life Time Achievement ( At least 40 Years of Graduation)


4)  Games: Alumni Meets are meant to offer a unique experience to the alumni along with their families. Hence adding a few games to the evening make it a memorable experience. A few of the games that can be taken for the gathering are:

i) Housie: A quick game full of fun and interaction

ii) College Stories: A unique game, where names of random alumni are picked in a lucky draw and each of them is invited on the stage to share a story. The stories are to be picked again in a lucky draw.

5) Cultural Performance: How about alumni get to cherish their college days by performing their talent on the stage. Let it be Music, Dance or Singing, definitely it will add up to make the evening memorable

6)  Inviting Faculty Member: The biggest surprise for any alumni is a chance to meet their teachers and professors, even after the years of their graduation. Hence, inviting the faculty members, even the ones who are no longer a part of institute, can add bliss moment for all the attendees

7) Fun Awards: Every college has unique stories associated to it. Stories of Friendship, Love or chaos, Alumni meet is the time to recall all such stories. Hence recognizing Couples of College, Friendship Groups of College etc. can make people cherish the fun side of their college life.

8) Introducing Alumni Initiatives: In such a fun filled evening, when all the alumni are filled with nostalgia and their amazing college days, nothing can make it more fruitful for the students and the institute when alumni come forward to make their contribution to take their own alma mater to new heights. Hence, introducing various alumni led initiatives infront of the alumni and inviting them to contribute actually makes the alumni meet a promising one and fruitful effort by the institute

9) Attendee Booklet: The Attendee booklet acts like an icebreaker between the alumni across all the batches. It consists professional as well as personal information of all the attendees, that allows alumni to learn about each other in order to explore professional as well as social opportunities.


Proposed Schedule





17:45 to 18:00

Registration of Invited Senior Alumni and Tea

18:00 to 19:00

Interaction with Senior Alumni

18:30 to 19:15

Registration of Alumni Guests

19:15 to 19:30

Welcome by Director to Alumni & Their Families

19:30 to 21:00

Alumni Activities

21:00 to 21:30

Introducing Alumni Initiatives

21:30 Onwards


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