Alumni Reunion Publicity Ideas.

Alumni Reunion Publicity Ideas.

This article will help you to publicise your Reunion among your Alumni Community. Reunion shall spread among the Alumni who are already a part of Alumni portal and also among the Alumni who have still not registered on the Alumni portal.

Conducting a Reunion is a great way to increase the Alumni registration on the Alumni portal. Through a reunion, you can reach the Alumni who are not on the Alumni portal but
  • Are active on Facebook, in friend list of your already registered alumni, have liked your Institute Facebook Page or part of different Facebook groups like batch groups departmental groups etc.
  • Are Active on Whatsapp and are connected to alumni who are already registered on Alumni portal, or part of different Whatsapp groups. 
  • Alumni who are in gmail contacts of your already registered alumni.
Before starting reunion publicity, make sure
  1. You have created the Reunion event on Alumni Portal
  2. Registrations for Reunion are enabled on Alumni portal
In case, any of the above steps is not completed, please drop a mail at and we would be happy to assist you in this regard. 

How To Publicise Your Events

1. Mailing Campaigns with Weekly Milestones
  • weekly mailer can be sent to all the alumni asking a specific number of registrations to be done by next week. (e.g. 25 by end of first week, 100 by second week, 150 by third week - if you have a target of 150 total turnout)
  • This can be automated for your specific event by Almashines Support team. Do contact us at if you want to avail this facility for your event. 
2. Sharing Campus Feed/Blog about key attraction for the event
If you want to drive registrations from Alumni who are on facebook/whatsapp, You shall use the Campus Feed/blog features to create Articles which can be shared across these social media and will spread your event among your Alumni.
Some of the ideas which you can use to create Campus Feed/Blog are
  • Sharing glimpses of same event if it happened last year also. Glimpses will include photographs, importance of this event, stories around the same event.
  • Key attractions of the event. Why Any alumni should not miss this event. Schedule of Alumni Reunion
  • Invite some Key Alumni and Make an article highlighting their presence.
  • Article on Message/Invitation from key Dignitaries from Institute  - Principal, President, Faculty 
Don't forget to add current event's link in these articles. Share these articles on Facebook page, Whatsapp groups, and through mail in Admin panel. Ask your Alumni, Faculty, Batch coordinators to share it on their Facebook/Whatsapp.

3. Sharing Event link weekly on Facebook page of college
Just sharing the event on Facebook/Whatsapp at regular intervals will naturally drive the registrations. Event page on on your portal have all the features to share it on Facebook/Whatsapp/twitter/Mail.

4. Sharing Attendee List Regularly
Every alumni wants to know if their friends are attending the reunion. Share the attendee list on different social media as well as mails on every attendee milestone(50,100,150,200 etc.).
Event attendee list also has all the features to be shared on Facebook/Whatsapp.  

5. Using Key Stakeholders who can boost the registrations 
Asking batch representatives, early attendees, Faculty to share all of your Campus Feeds, Updated Attendee list, Event Link Regularly on their Facebook profiles.

6. Creating Interesting Polls/Surveys on portal
Creating interesting polls and sharing it on Facebook create a good buzz about the event. It can also be used to help the organizer to know about the preferences of their Alumni.  Following are the some ideas which can be used to create poll 
  • Poll on when should an alumni meet be conducted. Give options for different dates. 
  • Poll about deciding the venue for the meet. Give options for different venues and ask alumni to vote.
  • Poll about any specific activity to be conducted in event like Cultural Activity, Fun Games etc. 

You may suggest any idea you have about publicity for your specific event. We will be happy to provide you in assistance on defining a plan of action around that idea. Drop a line at
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