How automatic duplicates resolve work?

How automatic duplicates resolve work?

In Automatic Resolve, we resolve duplicate profiles in bulk. When there are too many duplicates to resolve, automatic resolve will be a feasible option. Note that automatic resolve will not resolve all duplicate profiles, but it will resolve profiles that do not have an email address or profiles that never logged in. Let us understand more about automatic resolve and how to use it.
The system can directly resolve 2 types of profiles:

1. Profiles without email address
Our system considers profiles without email addresses as inactive profiles. Generally, profiles without email addresses are created when admins create profiles in bulk by uploading a file in a bulk upload. There is a high chance of these profiles are inactive or not used by the owner.

So, if there are 3 duplicates of 1 profile the system will check the email address of all 4 profiles and if it detects a profile without an email address the system will resolve it either by deleting that profile or merging its data with an existing profile.  

2. Profiles which never logged in

Another type of profile that has a bad repo is profiles that never logged in. It is an indicator that users have never logged in to these profiles before.

So, if there are 3 duplicates of 1 profile the system will check the last logged-in dates of all 4 profiles and if there is a profile that has never logged in before, the system will resolve it either by deleting that profile or merging its data with an existing profile.   

There are 2 type of actions which can be taken in automatic resolve.

1. Remove profiles
Before starting the automatic resolve operation, the system will ask the admins what to do in case the system found a profile without an email address or a profile that never logged in. If the admin chose to remove those profiles, then the system will permanently remove all such profiles from the platform. 

2. Merge Profiles
Before starting the automatic resolve operation, the system will ask the admins what to do in case the system found a profile without an email address or a profile that never logged in. If the admin chose to merge those profiles, then the system will merge those profiles with its other profile. Below, we have explained how merging works in automatic resolve process.

To understand how merging works let us take the example in which we will automatically resolve those profile that are without email address.

As soon as we click on Resolve Now button you will be re-directed to a new page, which will give us 2 options Remove all duplicate profiles without email addresses and Merge profiles.

Remove profiles

To remove profiles, choose the option Remove all profiles without an email address. It will remove all duplicate profiles without an email address.

Merge Profiles

When we select the Merge option the system will merge the data of the profile without an email address. But we need to tell the system into which profile it should merge that data.

Merge into recently updated profile.
Data will be merge into its duplicate profile which has been recently updated. If it is updated most recently then there is a clear sign that it is been used by the user.

Merge into profile with recent login
Data will be merge into its duplicate profile which has been recently logged in. If it is recently logged in, then there is a good chance that it is been used by the user.

Merge into recently updated profile.
Data will be merge into its duplicate profile which has integrated other social media accounts with it.

Once, you selected the option click on start operation button.

A pop-up modal will appear once you click on Start Operation button. Click on confirm to start the operation or cancel to go back on the configuration page.

Automatic resolve might take some minutes or even hours depending upon the number of profiles needed to be resolved.

Once we click on confirm button a new page will appear letting us know that the operation has started. From here, you can continue your work. System will notify you through notifications.

You will be notified from our notification section whenever the process starts, completes, or gets failed.

To view your completed process, click on the notification with the green check icon.

This will bring you to the new page where you can see the summary of the whole section.

To understand how duplicates are detected click here
To understand how manual resolve works click here

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